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EUROSPINE Advanced course module 2 training with RealSpine

As part of the “EUROSPINE Advanced Courses”, Realists supported the “Advanced Course Module 2”, which took place from 02.-05.07.2019 at the SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS) in Geneva, with the RealSpine spondylolisthesis patient. The two-day course (03.-04.07.2019) focused mainly on revisions and complications management and was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Massimo Balsano and Prof. Dr. Péter Vajkoczy.

As one of the largest spine societies in Europe, EUROSPINE regularly organises Advanced courses, focusing on the learning and training of advanced operative techniques as well as on complications management. The course was aimed at advanced surgeons who have already gained practical experience in the surgical treatment of spinal disorders.The main topicswere:decompression,TLIF, pedicle screw, duralsuture and bleeding management.

For detailed information please check the link below:

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